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Build stronger relationships with your customers using your web site

We build all kinds of websites

E-Commerce web sites & Online Shops

Mervy Shop, an e-commerce site, has been one of our best works to date. We integrated a local payment method, connected order notifications to a Telegram bot to optimize customer service, and trained customer service staff to use the platform.

Delivery took 72 hours.

See what we did here: www.mervy.shop

Landing Pages

Gmap Codes needed two sales pages, gmapcodes.com and ca.gmapcodes.com, to sell their digital marketing services in France and Canada.

We integrated Square and other payment methods.

Delivery took 6 weeks.


CSL CAMEROUN & CONGO entrusted us with the redesign of their website and the implementation of a powerful automatic marketing & sales system.

Delivery took 12 weeks.

See what we achieved here: www.cfpcsl.com

NGO Web sites

Olía Lima & Medethama, the music school and social integration through music project, was another challenge.With the pressure placed on the promoter by the sponsors, we had to devote all our resources to this client to ensure that he met the donation deadlines.

Delivery took just one week.

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Other achievements

Afrique Mutuelle – Solidarity, Mutuality, Member participation

Afrique Mutuelle – Solidarity, Mutuality, Member participation

July 30, 2023

Challenge Afrique mutuelle was undertaking a rebranding process and needed a website that will reflect

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APC Training App

APC Training App

December 6, 2023

Challenge Limited Accessibility: The APC Training Center lacked an efficient online learning platform, restricting accessibility

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FALIS Academy

FALIS Academy

September 5, 2023

Challenge FALIS ACADEMY, as an extension of FALIS AFRICA, needed a separate but cohesive website

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