HomeProjectDriver Cameroun – Our drivers to reduce your driving fatigue while optimizing your mobility.

Driver Cameroun – Our drivers to reduce your driving fatigue while optimizing your mobility.


Driver Cameroun identified the need for a handful of Camerounian individuals to have drivers who will accompagny them in their daily routines. They needed a tool to bring together drivers and these individuals, plus track drivers when they are providing their services.


Okenly Solutions developed a mobile app, bringing together drivers in cameroun and individuals in demand for their services.


This was an obligatory tool for external use, so positive user feedback was more important than ever. The mobile app was well-received and resulted in a boost in productivity and recognition both for drivers and people who neede them.

As a result, we became Driver Camerouns’ go-to development partner and helped them fast-track new projects through regular workshops and access to a dedicated team.

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