

  1. Limited Accessibility: The APC Training Center lacked an efficient online learning platform, restricting accessibility for remote learners.
  2. Outdated Technology: The existing learning system was outdated, hindering the incorporation of modern features and interactive learning methods.
  3. User Engagement Challenges: The previous platform did not encourage active participation or provide engaging content, impacting the overall learning experience.


  1. Comprehensive Learning Platform: Developed a robust online learning platform, offering a comprehensive range of courses accessible to learners anytime, anywhere.
  2. Modern Technology Integration: Utilized cutting-edge technologies to create an interactive and dynamic learning environment, keeping pace with the latest industry standards.
  3. Engagement-Focused Design: Implemented features like quizzes, discussion forums, and multimedia content to enhance user engagement and participation.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Designed an intuitive interface to ensure ease of navigation, making the learning process seamless for users of all technical proficiencies.

Let's build your website and bring you more customers.

If you’re looking to transform your website and achieve similar results, contact us at Okenly Solutions, and let’s discuss how we can take your online presence to the next level.


  1. Global Accessibility: The APC Training App provides learners worldwide with the opportunity to access high-quality training programs without geographical constraints.
  2. Technological Advancement: The adoption of modern technologies has positioned APC Training Center as an industry leader, embracing innovation in education.
  3. Increased User Participation: The interactive elements and engaging content have significantly improved user participation and overall satisfaction.
  4. Enhanced Learning Experience: Learners now experience a more dynamic and enriching learning journey, contributing to improved retention and skill acquisition.


FALIS ACADEMY, as an extension of FALIS AFRICA, needed a separate but cohesive website to represent its educational services. The challenge was to create a platform that maintained brand consistency while catering to a distinct audience of learners and professionals.


Our team at Okenly Solutions approached this project with a clear strategy in mind:
  1. Branding Continuity: We ensured that the design elements, color schemes, and typography used in the FALIS ACADEMY website were in harmony with the FALIS AFRICA parent site, creating a seamless transition for users.
  2. User-Focused Design: Understanding the diverse needs of learners, we designed a user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation. This made it easy for visitors to explore the courses, resources, and registration options.
  3. Responsive Layout: In today’s mobile-driven world, we implemented a responsive design that adapted gracefully to various devices and screen sizes. This allowed users to access the website conveniently from smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Let's build your website and bring you more customers.

If you’re seeking to create a cohesive but distinct web presence for your brand or its extensions, reach out to Okenly Solutions. Let’s discuss how we can turn your vision into a compelling digital reality.


The creation of FALIS ACADEMY’s dedicated website yielded substantial benefits:

  1. Clear Brand Identity: FALIS ACADEMY established a unique digital presence while maintaining a strong connection to FALIS AFRICA’s brand.

  2. Improved User Experience: The user-centric design led to increased engagement, longer session durations, and higher enrollment rates.

  3. Wider Accessibility: The responsive design ensured that learners could access course materials and resources on their preferred devices, enhancing the academy’s reach.

The launch of the FALIS ACADEMY website not only strengthened FALIS AFRICA’s educational arm but also provided learners with an enriching online learning experience.

If you’re seeking to create a cohesive but distinct web presence for your brand or its extensions, reach out to Okenly Solutions. Let’s discuss how we can turn your vision into a compelling digital reality.


FALIS DOCUMENTION, an extension of FALIS AFRICA, required a dedicated platform to showcase and sell law books and legal documentation. The challenge was to create an e-commerce website that seamlessly integrated with the existing FALIS AFRICA brand while providing a user-friendly shopping experience.


At Okenly Solutions, we approached this project with precision and innovation:

  1. Branding Cohesion: We maintained consistent branding elements, such as color schemes and logos, to ensure that the FALIS DOCUMENTION website felt like a natural extension of FALIS AFRICA.

  2. E-commerce Integration: We integrated robust e-commerce functionality, allowing visitors to browse and purchase law books and legal documents with ease. This included secure payment gateways and user-friendly product listings.

  3. User-Centric Design: Understanding the need for a straightforward shopping experience, we designed an intuitive user interface. Visitors could quickly search for specific legal materials, view detailed descriptions, and add items to their cart effortlessly.

Let's build your website and bring you more customers.

If you’re looking to create a seamless e-commerce extension for your brand, contact Okenly Solutions. Let’s discuss how we can transform your vision into a dynamic online platform.


The creation of FALIS DOCUMENTION’s dedicated website had a significant impact:

  1. Enhanced Brand Portfolio: FALIS AFRICA expanded its digital presence to include an e-commerce wing, reaching professionals and students in the legal field.

  2. Streamlined Shopping: Users enjoyed a hassle-free shopping experience, resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction.

  3. Market Expansion: FALIS DOCUMENTION attracted a broader audience interested in legal resources, thus diversifying FALIS AFRICA’s offerings.

The FALIS DOCUMENTION website not only complemented FALIS AFRICA’s mission but also opened up new opportunities for legal professionals and enthusiasts to access essential legal literature.


Afrique mutuelle was undertaking a rebranding process and needed a website that will reflect their new vision and brand strategy.


Okenly Solutions developed a website with SEO-optimized content. We also added live chat functionalities and created social media accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and a Google Business Listing for local SEO.


This was an obligatory tool for external use, so positive user feedback was more important than ever. The website was well-received and resulted in a boost in web traffic and recognition.

As a result, we became Afrique mutuelle’s go-to development partner and helped them fast-track new projects through regular workshops and access to a dedicated team.


Ulo needed a short-term, rental tool, that will bring together property owners and people looking for short-term stays. The tool had to be internationalized and capable of working on browsers, ios, and Android mobile phones.


Okenly Solutions developed a responsive web app, an ios and Android application. We used Booking.com as a work of reference inorder to build the best product for them. Using UI/UX and Software Engineering principles, we delivered the product Ulo wanted.


This was an obligatory tool for external use, so positive user feedback was more important than ever. The platform was well-received and resulted in a boost in web traffic and recognition.

As a result, we became Ulo’s go-to development partner and helped them fast-track new projects through regular workshops and access to a dedicated team.


Yeggah had a 100+ client base in France who wanted to implant projects in Africa specifically in the real estate sector. They needed a platform that will automate their business processes and give their clients liberty in managing their properties and rents.


Okenly Solutions developed a website, a responsive web application prototype of the platform, and microservices. This prototype gave perspectives on how users will use the final application. The project was transferred to another company for completion.


This was an obligatory tool for external use, so positive user feedback was more important than ever. The website was well-received and resulted in a boost in web traffic and recognition.

As a result, we became Yeggah’s go-to development partner and helped them fast-track new projects through regular workshops and access to a dedicated team.

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